How to download Furniture Addon for Minecraft Android 😍😍😍😍. 2020 trick

 Hello guys

My name is Shresth Sahu

It is very easy to Download and install Furniture Addon for Minecraft Android.

In this pack, you will get 10 furnitures

A - Refrigerator
B - Monitor
C - Gaming Chair
D - Toaster
E - Mini soda fridge
F - Speaker
G - Television
H - Sofa
I - Stove (use for barbeque)
J - Telephone

To download, follow the given steps.

1.  Download the file from this link -

2. Extract the file using your file manager or z archiver.


3. After extracting, a folder will appear.
Open folder, You will get two files there.
First one is of behaviour pack and second one is of resources pack.

Now you have to import both packs in Minecraft.

4. Open the behaviour pack file using your original file manager.
Choose open with docs.
Choose Minecraft in open with.

5. After choosing, Minecraft will open automatically. It takes some time to import the pack.
After importing done, Close Minecraft and do the same process to import resources pack.

6. After importing both packs, go on Minecraft settings then global resources.
Activate your resources pack. 
Named -  Furniture

7. After importing resources pack in setting, create a new world in Minecraft.

8. Go on world settings. You will see a option Add-ons on the left side of the screen.

There are two options under addons.
Resources pack and Behaviour pack.

Activate both packs .

9. At world settings you will se a option, USE EXPERIMENTAL GAMEPLAY, enable this before activating packs.

10. Choose mode creative. Go in inventory.
Go on search option, then scroll down, you will se furnitures.

That was the process

To add furnitures in your Minecraft Android.

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